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Co-organized by the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises and the Indonesian Retail Association INABUYER B2B2G Expo Strengthens Supply Chain Collaboration

With the support of the Government Goods and Services Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP) and the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemen Kop UKM) and the Indonesian Retailers Association (HIPPINDO) will hold an event called INABUYER at the Smesco Building in Jakarta. A grand exhibition at B2B2G EXPO 2023 to encourage the establishment of a strong national supply chain through partnerships with large corporations, state-owned enterprises and SMEs.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 At the widely publicized INABUYER B2B2G Ex Expo 2023, Hanung Harimba Rachman, Deputy Director General for Cooperatives and SMEs, said, “The government cannot go it alone, it needs the support of big businesses and the Ministry of State Enterprises , cooperate with small, medium and micro businesses to build a strong supply chain and optimize domestic product consumption so that our economy can be strong and sustainable.” 2023 NABUYER
B2B2G Expo will be held from July 5th to 6th, 2023, and will Showcasing buyers, pitches, procurement, procurement, purchasers of goods and services from the private and government sectors.

He said, “The partnership between small, medium and micro operators and large enterprises or state-owned enterprises continues. At present, it has even cooperated with 17 state-owned enterprises and 2 large enterprises, and will continue to improve it this year.”

  Meanwhile, Budihardjo Iduansjah, Chairman of HIPPINDO, explained, “This exhibition has real support from the Made in Indonesia National Pride (Gernas BBI) movement and encourages the government’s goods, services spending program targeting UMKM products and local products through the retail sector. Not only that, but it is also to expand the local commodity supply ecosystem, bring together buyers and suppliers, plan SME products, upgrade SMEs, increase brand awareness of local products, increase export opportunities, and obtain investment opportunities through joint partners. “

It is hoped that the visitor target can reach 5,000 people per day, involving about 50 UMKM associations, and only a maximum of 200 buyers and exhibitors.

  Meanwhile, LKPP (Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Bureau) Vice President for Strategy and Policy Formulation Sarah Sadika revealed that there are already many regulations related to encouraging an increase in domestic production. “All the prescribed plans are ready, it depends on how to conduct extensive publicity activities for the UMKM industry.”

  Sarah also revealed that the government is currently drafting a public goods and service procurement bill, which has the effect of triggering economic activities, especially small, medium and micro businesses and cooperatives (UMK-Cooperatives), which can increase the use of domestic products and create employment opportunities. And increase equity construction.

Source: https://guojiribao.com/?p=284425

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